Monday, August 22, 2011

My Soo Bahk Do Essay for 7th Gup

The following was the essay I wrote for my Gup Shim Sa in July of 2010. Typos and misspellings left for chung jik.

Explain 1 of the 8 key concepts in Soo Bahk Do philosophy.
In Neh

I always look forward to the classes where Master Choi Sa Bom Nim will provide further explanation of the 8 Key Concepts to his students. His literal translations and cultural insight present a new way to think about and act upon each concept.
I found it very striking when Master Choi spoke to us of In Neh. The translation provided is simply: Endurance. Our master described the construction of the Korean characters that gave the meaning: Keep your mind like a knife inside you.  Now here is a translation I can act upon! Focus. Strength. Purpose. When I first began training, In Neh seemed like prove it. Prove you can stay in horse stance for ten minutes. Prove you can perform Ahp Podo Oll Ligi properly 50 times without stopping. It was a test to take four times per year. But upon hearing this meaning, it became more immediate. Not just do it, but a how and a why. All at once, in my mind, In Neh was its own reward.
The truth about each concept is that it is more than a sum of characters and words. In Neh are the words we invoke to tap into an inner strength and a reserve of spirit. It is something we must develop internally by applying ourselves fully to each task and exercise, inside the Do Jang and in our daily lives. Endurance of the body, gained by regular and intense training, is the outward manifestation of In Neh; how many kicks we can do, how many push-ups, how many squats. Perseverance of the mind, an instrument of our Will, is the inward strength we build through our mental training in Soo Bahk Do. By applying all our lessons we reinforce the mind so that, even when the body wants to give up, the spirit can control the muscles and joints and keep them to their purpose.
Another skill, which I believe to be improved through developing In Neh, is a students Shi Sun (focus). When the thoughts of the day or the frustrations of difficult training invade on the internal calm that keeps the body balanced, the discipline provided by In Neh can command Shi Sun! and return the student to the moment and the exercise at hand. It takes as great a will to remain in the moment as it does to remain in a low stance.
In Neh is my council in difficult moments, both as a practitioner of Soo Bahk Do in the Do Jang and as a human being in the world. Is this pain so important? it asks me, or will you endure to be proud of your accomplishments after the discomfort has faded?  Thanks to In Neh, the difficulties become proof that I am alive, the proof that my training has not ended and the motivation to endure.

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