Tuesday, August 16, 2011

My Soo Bahk Do Essay for 8th Gup

The following was the essay I wrote for my Gup Shim Sa in January of 2010. Typos and misspellings left for chung jik.

What does the word “Do” (Way) mean to me in Soo Bahk Do?

When I hear the word Do, I picture in my mind a path through the wilderness. It is well worn and clear, distinct from the land around it, which is littered with rocks and prickly brush. The voice of my instructor leads me forward and keeps me from wandering by speaking to me of focus and discipline. He shows me, not just through physical training but also through anecdotes and teachings, the steps that will lead me on this lifelong journey in my study of Soo Bahk Do.
I imagine mountains in the distance that represent my goals. There are landmarks along the way – behind me they are the achievements I have made, and in front of me the achievements I have yet to make. On this journey I know that it is not just my responsibility to follow the path that was laid out before me by others. Weeds grow along the way and want to cover it over. By training hard and maintaining my focus on learning Soo Bahk Do in the manner in which I am instructed, I do my part in maintaining the path, keeping it clear for those who will follow it behind me. The landmarks which are my achievements are not only my own. My name will be carved below the others who began their training first; the road through the mountains ahead of me is filled with a family of students who are on their own journeys and whose perseverance inspires me and fills me with strength.
The sun overhead is bright and the ground is hot beneath my bare feet, but there is no place to rest. The path ahead is endangered by overgrowth; those of us along it must push forward and keep it clear, for ourselves and for the others who follow.
Choi Sa Bom Nim told us once that in Korea there is a saying: Should a Tiger try to bite your arm, push hard into its throat. It will have to let go to survive. In this case he was speaking to us of fighting our own fatigue, to push harder when we want to give up and run. Lately, these are the words that are guiding me through my journey. This winter has been difficult. My body just wants to find a warm place to spend the cold months, and is resistant to the flexibility and endurance that I try to coax from it. Through pain and exhaustion I hear my masters voice, down the path, telling me to push harder. I am finding that, when every step is a struggle, each one I take is a victory of which I can be proud as I make my way.

1 comment:

  1. That was awesome. Very visual.

    Should a Tiger try to bite your arm, push hard into its throat. It will have to let go to survive.

    K's told me that tip about pit bulls... ;-)
